How WP Local Cache Works

You don’t need to be a scientist to launch this Rocket!

Features Applied
Right Upon Activation

To make your website blazing fast, WP Local Cache includes options that provide immediate benefits to your website. These options apply 80% of web performance best practices, so you will benefit from better loading times right away!

Page Caching

Get your WordPress site cached right away. Caching makes your site load ultra-fast: the real key to boost your SEO and increase conversions.

Cache Preloading

Let your visitors enjoy the speedier, cached content of your site right away! WP Local Cache automatically preloads the cache every time you make some changes on your web pages.

Browser Caching

Store the frequently accessed resources of your site—images, JS, CSS—in the local memory of the navigation device, be it desktop or mobile.

GZIP Compression

Compress web pages on the server and decompress them in the browser. The size of your files decreases and your visitors get your content quicker.

eCommerce Optimization

Your eCommerce will run fast and smoothly: WP Local Cache excludes sensitive pages from the cache. No interference in the purchasing process.

Excellent Compatibility

Enjoy peace of mind: WP Local Cache is compatible with the most popular themes and plugins and it works with the top managed WordPress hostings.

Easy Customization
for a Faster Website

Cached Pages, Ultra-Fast Loading Time

Google and other search engines love fast websites. When the loading time of your pages increases, your readers get bored and abandon you. Don’t let this happen: take advantage of caching with WP Local Cache!

WP Local Cache caches your pages by creating static HTML files and making them easily available for future visitors. It also applies browser caching, asking the browser to store the commonly-used but rarely-updated files in its local cache memory.

Make Your Files Lighter

An optimal loading time also passes from the amount of files that are uploaded to your website.

With WP Local Cache, you can minify and combine the CSS and JS files of your site, making them faster and lighter and reducing page size.

You can optimize CSS delivery and load JS deferred to eliminate render-blocking resources and improve load time. Besides, delaying the loading of JavaScript files until user interaction will reduce initial load time.
No need to touch the code: it’s all done in one click

Make Your Files Lighter

An optimal loading time also passes from the amount of files that are uploaded to your website.

With WP Local Cache, you can minify and combine the CSS and JS files of your site, making them faster and lighter and reducing page size.

You can optimize CSS delivery and load JS deferred to eliminate render-blocking resources and improve load time. Besides, delaying the loading of JavaScript files until user interaction will reduce initial load time.
No need to touch the code: it’s all done in one click

Media Files Loaded Only When Needed

WP Local Cache includes a smart set of options to tweak the display of images and iframes on your site. With our LazyLoad, you can defer the loading of images or iframes, leaving them ”off-screen” until the users need them.
Lazy-loading is a brilliant way of optimizing both perceived and real performance. It also saves the users bandwidth because they won’t have to download all your images!

If your site uses WebP images, WP Local Cache can also create a separate cache file to serve those, if needed.

Get the Faster Cached Version in a Blink

Cache preloading ensures your visitors get the speedier, cached versions of your site right away. WP Local Cache creates the cached versions of your content right upon activation.

You can preload your content manually or let WP Local Cache do this automatically. Preloading will happen in a blink after WP Local Cache clears the cache of posts/pages/custom post types of your site.

Besides, the sitemap-based cache preloading option automatically detects and preloads the sitemaps generated by popular WordPress SEO plugins

Get the Faster Cached Version in a Blink

Cache preloading ensures your visitors get the speedier, cached versions of your site right away. WP Local Cache creates the cached versions of your content right upon activation.

You can preload your content manually or let WP Local Cache do this automatically. Preloading will happen in a blink after WP Local Cache clears the cache of posts/pages/custom post types of your site.

Besides, the sitemap-based cache preloading option automatically detects and preloads the sitemaps generated by popular WordPress SEO plugins

A Tidy Database for a Happy Website

A clean database runs more efficiently and it also helps to speed up your site. WP Local Cache provides a dedicated set of options to optimize your database and keep it lean.

You can clean up comments, posts, and transients, optimize your database tables, or schedule automatic cleanups: everything in two clicks.

Reduce Latency and Improve Availability

When your site speaks to a broad international audience, a CDN is key to improve the loading time of your website for visitors that are far away from where your server is located.

If you are already using a CDN, you can integrate it in WP Local Cache’s dashboard in a few clicks.
As an alternative, you can use WPCDN, WP Local Cache’s custom CDN.
Forget configuration headaches: the configuration is automatic to provide you with the best speed results.

Reduce Latency and Improve Availability

When your site speaks to a broad international audience, a CDN is key to improve the loading time of your website for visitors that are far away from where your server is located.

If you are already using a CDN, you can integrate it in WP Local Cache’s dashboard in a few clicks.
As an alternative, you can use WPCDN, WP Local Cache’s custom CDN.
Forget configuration headaches: the configuration is automatic to provide you with the best speed results.

Give More Power to Your Features

WP Local Cache Add-ons are a set of features that extend available options in very few steps:

• Google Tracking
• Facebook Pixel
• Varnish Cache
• Cloudflare integration
• Sucuri integration

Control them with a 1-click switch.